Composition and activities of the board members

The composition of the board is as follows:

Mr. N.J.L.M. Tuijn, president

Mr. F.K. Kneefel AA, treasurer

Mr. R.L.A. van Buul, secretary



Mr. Tuijn is a judge, in the function of Justice of the Court of Appeal in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Mr. Kneefel is active as a finance manager a.i. in a business firm.

Mr. Van Buul is a lawyer specialized in commercial law, working in the law firm Steijven and Bonnier in Eindhoven.

All board members work fully pro bono for the foundation. The board members try to visit the projects in Indonesia each year.


Financial checks

The financial administration of our foundation is every year checked and approved by a Chartered Accountant, also working pro bono. This approval is one of the conditions, imposed by the Dutch Tax Authorities to foundations which work for charity goals, to be recognized as an official Charity Institution. This special status of our foundation provides tax advantages for private donors and legal persons.

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