Medical operations of children with the elephants disease (elephantiasis)


Since many years private donations to our foundation make it possible that children of poor families indeed get help. These children suffer from benign tumors, often in their face or their upper body, because of untreated insect bites. As a result they are badly deformed and their parents are ashamed. These poor children are kept home out of shame. So they cannot attend school and also cannot play with other children. A young life without perspective: this is very sad. Medical treatment of this disease (surgery and after-treatment in hospital) is successful. This would give a huge perspective for the child, but the parents cannot afford it.


Our foundation aims to enlarge the number of these surgeries, so that more children can be helped. We made adequate agreements with the Catholic Hospital RKZ Surabaya. Here Sister Hugoline, a vital eighty-plus mission sister also known as the White Angel, helps many children from different parts of Indonesia. 


Surgeons do their work for free, Sister Hugoline only has to pay for some hospital costs. For a lump all-in sum of 500 Euros children are operated and can stay in the hospital for the treatment after the surgery (often some weeks). Of course these children are very grateful for the result. They then again have a perspective in their local community. Their parents, family and friends are also very happy with the help that is offered. Our sponsors know that this financial support really makes a difference.



Above and below please see pictures of children before and after surgery.




In the Catholic Hospital RKZ Surabaya also other operations are done with our financial support. Below you can see pictures of a girl that has had a facial correction surgery. 

The rest of the English part of the website is under construction.

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